Environment & Sustainability

Informations about Environment & Sustainability at Lieblingswolf.de

It's up to us: environment & sustainability

We love dogs - and also the nature in which they roam. That's why environmental awareness and sustainability are also important to us as a small online store. Of course, we can't save the world on our own, but we want to do our bit.

What do we do?

Sustainable products:
We try to offer a variety of products that are durable and environmentally friendly - be it through recycled materials or sustainable production. For example, the food bag is made from recycled material. The Doggytube can be refilled with treats again and again instead of buying new, already filled treat tubes every time. The healing balm is supplied in glass packaging which is 100% recyclable. In addition, recycled paper is used which is printed with soy ink (as an alternative to conventional petroleum-based ink). Even though these may only be small steps, we think they are important.

Resource-conserving shipping:
As far as possible, we reduce our packaging material. We do without unnecessary inserts or elaborate packaging. This may not look so spectacular, but we believe that you should be more impressed by our products than the packaging. We also try to avoid plastic packaging. We ship the majority of our products using sustainably sourced materials and recycled paper.

Why is this important to us?

For us, sustainability means acting consciously - for the environment, for the animals and for future generations. We want our four-legged friends to be able to play and romp around in a healthy natural environment without causing unnecessary environmental pollution. We believe that even small steps can make a difference and are working to become even more responsible and sustainable in the future.

Hund in der Natur